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Sześć nieuniknionych trendów transformacji cyfrowej na 2024 rok

Six Inevitable Digital Transformation Trends for 2024

Enterprises worldwide are striving to adapt to the changing digital landscape. Digital transformation, the process of using technology to create new — or modify existing — business processes, organizational culture, and customer experiences, is a key element that enables organizations to survive and prosper in today's competitive environment.

As we move through the various phases of the digital era, it is crucial to understand which trends will impact the way organizations take action, invest in technology, and deliver value to their customers. In 2024, with the advent of new technologies and changing customer expectations, businesses will need to reassess their digital strategies to remain competitive and secure their future in uncertain times.

In this context, this article aims to examine the key trends that will shape the future of digital transformation and provide practical tips and strategies to help business and technology leaders navigate these changing waters. From exploring new worlds in the Metaverse, through the use of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity, to delivering smooth digital experiences.

1. New Era of the Metaverse

The Metaverse, often seen as the next stage of internet evolution, is gaining importance, becoming an arena where virtual worlds, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) converge, creating immersive, interactive digital spaces. Although for many the Metaverse is synonymous with advanced AR/VR experiences, its scope is much wider, also encompassing technologies such as blockchain and decentralization concepts.

In a business context, the Metaverse opens up new opportunities and challenges for enterprises in terms of customer interaction, team management, and product creation. For example, platforms like The Sandbox offer decentralized, community-driven spaces where users can create, own, and manage their virtual worlds and assets. Such platforms not only change the way people experience the digital world but also introduce new forms of ownership and value.

Bernard Marr, a world-renowned futurist, emphasizes that the term "web3" is closely related to various concepts of what the Metaverse will be and is used to describe what many call "decentralized internet". In this new paradigm, users have more control over their data, assets, and digital experiences, which can lead to the emergence of new business models and data management strategies.

For businesses, understanding and adapting to the Metaverse will require not only investing in new technologies but also considering how these technologies can be used to deliver value to customers and increase engagement. Whether it's creating virtual stores, organizing events in virtual spaces, or exploring new forms of advertising, the Metaverse is sure to revolutionize the way brands connect and communicate with their customers.

2. AI and Cybersecurity. Protection and Innovation Written Anew

In the face of a constantly increasing number of cyber threats and the complexity of IT systems, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a key element in cybersecurity strategies, providing tools and solutions that can predict, identify, and neutralize threats in advance. Milind Wagle, EVP & CIO at Equinix, emphasizes that cybersecurity and artificial intelligence will continue to drive opportunities for enterprises in all industries, especially as technology becomes more decentralized and accessible.

AI, with its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and learn from experience, can be used to identify and respond to cyber threats in a way that is much faster and more effective than traditional methods. For example, AI-based systems can analyze network traffic patterns, identify anomalies, and automatically take action to minimize potential damage.

However, introducing AI into cybersecurity is not without challenges. It introduces new forms of threats and requires careful management and regulation to ensure that technology is used ethically and effectively. For example, AI-based content synthesis, which allows for the creation of new types of content, such as images, information, and sounds, that did not previously exist, can also be used for malicious purposes, such as creating false information or manipulating data.

In 2024, with an emphasis on workforce augmentation, AI will also play a key role in enabling employees to navigate through changes related to remote and hybrid work, providing tools that can help them be more productive and engaged, regardless of where they work.

In the context of how businesses can prepare for these changes and leverage AI in their cybersecurity strategies, it is important for technology and business leaders to understand not only the potential benefits but also the challenges and risks associated with implementing AI, and develop strategies that will allow them to safely and effectively use these technologies.

3. Creating Fluid Digital Experiences

In today's digitally driven world, fluid customer experiences are becoming not only a priority but also a key differentiator for brands in all industries. Fluid digital experiences refer to creating consistent, seamless, and engaging interactions with users across various platforms and devices, while also providing value and convenience at every stage of the customer journey.

In the context of fluid digital experiences, data and intelligent APIs play a key role, enabling organizations to deliver personalized, contextual, and responsive experiences for their customers. For example, using data analytics to understand user preferences and behaviors can enable brands to deliver personalized recommendations, offers, and messages that are tailored to the individual needs and interests of each customer.

However, to achieve this, organizations must be able to effectively integrate and synchronize data and functionality between different systems, platforms, and channels. This means investing in technologies that enable easy integration and data exchange between different customer touchpoints, as well as developing a culture that prioritizes customer experience.

For example, brands can explore the use of technologies such as AI-powered chatbots to provide instant responses and support for customers, whether the interaction takes place on a website, mobile app, or social media platform. Similarly, the use of voice recognition and natural language processing (NLP) technologies can enable the creation of more natural and intuitive user interfaces that facilitate customer communication and interaction with the brand.

As we move towards a more integrated and connected digital future, the ability to deliver fluid digital experiences will be crucial for a brand's ability to attract, engage, and retain customers. Businesses that are able to effectively leverage data and technology to create such experiences will have a competitive advantage in the coming years.

4. Hyper-automation and Hyper-cloud - New Standards in Business

Hyper-automation and hyper-cloud are two concepts that are quickly gaining popularity in today's dynamically changing business environment, offering enterprises new ways to increase the efficiency, scalability, and flexibility of their operations.


Hyper-automation refers to the application of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), robotic process automation (RPA), and others, to automate processes in a way that is much more advanced than traditional automation approaches. It's not just about automating manual and repetitive tasks, but about creating systems that can learn, adapt, and evolve in response to changing conditions and requirements.

In a business context, hyper-automation can help organizations increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve quality by eliminating human errors and speeding up processes. For example, AI-based systems can be used to analyze customer data in real-time, enabling businesses to deliver personalized offers and experiences, while RPA technologies can be used to automate routine and time-consuming tasks, such as data entry or order processing.


On the other hand, hyper-cloud refers to a strategy of using cloud services from various cloud providers to increase flexibility, optimize costs, and minimize risk. In the hyper-cloud model, organizations can use the best solutions offered by various cloud providers, while ensuring consistency and portability of data and applications between different cloud platforms.

Hyper-cloud allows enterprises to use the diversity and innovation offered by various cloud providers, while avoiding the risk associated with dependency on a single provider. For example, an organization may use computing services from one provider, data storage services from another provider, and analytical services from yet another provider, all managed and integrated within a single, coherent hyper-cloud strategy.

As organizations strive to become more agile, resilient, and innovative, adopting hyper-automation and hyper-cloud strategies will be key to maintaining competitiveness and driving future growth. In this context, IT and business leaders will need to work together to identify the appropriate technologies, processes, and skills that will allow them to maximize these new opportunities.

5. DeFi. A New Wave in Finance

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is gaining momentum, turning traditional structures and operational models of the financial sector upside down. DeFi, utilizing blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, allows users access to financial services, such as loans, trading, and investments, without the need for intermediation from financial institutions like banks or brokers.

Democratizing Access to Finance

DeFi opens the door to finance for a wide range of people, regardless of their geographical location or economic status. For instance, through DeFi platforms, users can access financial services, such as loans or savings products, without the need to have a bank account or meet traditional credit requirements. This democratizes access to finance and enables a larger number of people to participate in the global economy.

Innovation and Opportunism

DeFi is also a source of innovation, introducing new products and services that can be tailored to the individual needs and preferences of users. For example, by using so-called "smart contracts" on the blockchain, users can create automated investment strategies or contract conditions that are automatically enforced when certain criteria are met.

However, the development of DeFi is not without challenges and risks. Issues such as security, regulations, and scalability remain the subject of intense discussion and research among practitioners and industry experts. Moreover, the speculative nature of some DeFi projects and the associated financial risk are a cause for concern and require a conscious approach from investors and market participants.

The Future of DeFi

As blockchain technology and DeFi evolve, it is important for organizations and individual investors to understand both the potential benefits and risks associated with this sector. Education, transparency, and accountability will be key to the sustainable and stable development of the DeFi ecosystem.

In the context of how businesses and investors can navigate these new waters, it is important to understand various aspects of DeFi technology, such as blockchain, smart contracts, and various protocols, and to be aware of the changing regulatory landscape and potential investment pitfalls.

6. Total Experience (TX) - The Secret to Loyalty and Growth in Business

In an era where competition is fierce and customer loyalty is becoming increasingly difficult to secure, Total Experience (TX) emerges as a key element that can differentiate brands and drive their success over the years. TX is not just another buzzword in the field of Customer Experience (CX), but a strategy that connects the experiences of all stakeholders – customers, employees, partners, and suppliers – to create cohesive and holistic value.

Combining All Experiences

TX goes beyond the traditional boundaries of CX, Employee Experience (EX), User Experience (UX), and Partner Experience (PX), combining them into a single coherent strategy that encompasses all touchpoints and interactions with the brand. For example, a company can use data and feedback from customers, employees, and partners to understand which aspects of its offering and operations can be improved, and then use this information to optimize products, services, and processes.

Technology as a Catalyst for TX

Technology plays a key role in enabling TX, allowing organizations to collect, analyze, and utilize data from various sources to deliver more personalized, responsive, and valuable experiences. For instance, advanced analytics and artificial intelligence can be used to identify patterns and trends in customer data, which in turn can inform decisions about product development, marketing, and customer service.

Building Lasting Relationships

TX is not just about delivering positive interactions at a specific moment, but about building lasting relationships with stakeholders over time. This means understanding and addressing their changing needs and expectations, as well as delivering continuous value that strengthens their engagement and loyalty to the brand.

Example in Practice

Consider an example of a company that uses TX to improve its products and services. Based on data and feedback from customers, employees, and partners, the company can identify areas that need improvement, such as product quality, customer support, or purchasing processes. Then, the company can use this information to implement changes that not only enhance stakeholder experiences but also bring additional benefits, such as increased sales, improved customer and employee satisfaction, and building stronger relationships with partners.


In the face of a dynamically changing technological and business landscape, enterprises are challenged to not only adapt to current trends but also anticipate future changes and prepare for them accordingly. From exploring the Metaverse, through the use of AI in cybersecurity, to creating fluid digital experiences, hyper-automation, hyper-cloud strategies, developing the DeFi sector, to focusing on Total Experience (TX) - the future of business is undoubtedly digital and complex.

All the trends discussed bring both challenges and opportunities. Implementing new technologies and strategies requires not only significant financial investments and resources but also a change in mindset and organizational culture. Enterprises must be ready to explore unknown territories, experiment with new solutions, and learn from experiences - both positive and negative.

The strategy and method of implementing these trends are also crucial. It's not just about technology per se, but about how it is applied to truly bring value to the enterprise and its stakeholders. This requires a deep understanding of one's own business, customers, and market, as well as the ability to think strategically and innovatively.

It is also worth emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach. As companies adopt and implement these new technologies and strategies, they must also consider their impact on society and the environment and ensure that they are used ethically and responsibly.

The future may seem full of uncertainties, but it is also full of opportunities for those who are ready to embrace them. Enterprises that are able to look beyond the horizon, anticipate changes, and act proactively will have the best chances of success in the coming years. In this context, continuous learning, adaptation, and innovation will become key characteristics of agile and resilient organizations.

As we move forward, let these trends be a compass that guides strategic planning and innovation, enabling enterprises not only to survive but also to thrive in the new digital era.

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