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What are the mistakes most commonly made by beginner web designers?

What are the mistakes most commonly made by beginner web designers?

Creating websites for businesses is not only popular but also extremely important. A website becomes a business card for every company, its main tool for promotion, and communication with clients. However, unfortunately, not all web designers understand the full scope of responsibilities associated with this task, and beginner designers often make mistakes that can negatively impact the quality and effectiveness of websites.

Designing websites for businesses is a task that requires not only creativity but also precision, understanding of client needs, and technical skills. Beginner designers, fascinated by the possibilities of creating visually attractive sites, often overlook key elements that affect the efficiency of the website. In this article, we will focus on those mistakes that are most commonly made by beginner web designers and show how to avoid them.

Learning what these mistakes are and how to avoid making them is a key step towards creating websites that not only delight visually but also fulfill the business goals of their clients. Therefore, we invite you to dive deeper into the world of web design and discover what pitfalls lie in wait for beginner designers and how they can be effectively dealt with.

1. Overly Complex Design and Poor Use of Colors

Another common mistake made by beginner web designers is an overly complex design and inappropriate use of colors. It might seem that the more elaborate and creative the design, the better. However, the truth is that an overly complex design can do more harm than good.

Complicated Design

Beginner designers often try to showcase their skills by using many visual effects, intricate navigation menus, and complex page structures. The result is a page that is difficult to understand and navigate. Users who get lost on the page may be discouraged and leave it out of frustration. This, in turn, leads to the loss of potential customers.

Poor Use of Colors

Another mistake related to design is the improper use of colors. Beginner designers often use bright and inconsistent colors that can be harsh on the users' eyes. This not only negatively affects the aesthetics of the site but also makes it difficult to read and convey information. It is worth remembering that color has a significant impact on user psychology and can affect their emotions and perception of the brand.

How to Avoid These Mistakes?

To avoid design-related mistakes, beginner designers should focus on simplicity and functionality. This does not mean that the site cannot be aesthetic, but its design should be thoughtful and tailored to the needs of the client and the target audience. It is also worth ensuring color consistency and choosing color palettes that reflect the company's character and are eye-friendly.

Testing the site's design on different user groups can also help identify potential readability and navigation issues. Ultimately, the key goal of website design is to provide users with easy access to information and a pleasant user experience.

2. Not Adapting the Site for Mobile Devices

Another common mistake often made by beginner web designers is the lack of proper adaptation of the site to various mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. This is a crucial aspect, especially important in today's world, where more and more users browse websites on mobile devices.

Why is This a Mistake?

The lack of responsiveness and failure to adapt the site to mobile devices can lead to many problems. For example, the site may be unreadable on smaller screens, necessitating horizontal and vertical scrolling. Page elements may also behave incorrectly, leading to difficulties in navigation and user comfort.

It is important to emphasize that search engines, such as Google, attach great importance to the responsiveness of websites. Sites that are not adapted to mobile devices may drop in search rankings, meaning less visibility in organic search results and less traffic to the site.

How to Avoid This Mistake?

To avoid this mistake, beginner web designers should design the site with responsiveness in mind from the very beginning. There are various techniques, such as using flexible layouts (flexbox) and CSS Grid technology, which allow for easy adaptation of the site to different screens.

It is also worth regularly testing the site on different mobile devices to ensure that all elements are readable and function correctly. There are tools available for testing responsiveness, which facilitate this task.

For many users, the website is the first point of contact with the company, so it is important to provide them with a positive experience regardless of the device they use to browse the site. Therefore, adapting the site to mobile devices is not an option, but an absolute necessity.

3. Neglecting SEO Optimization

Another mistake that beginner web designers often make is neglecting SEO optimization. SEO is a set of strategies and actions aimed at improving the visibility of a website in search engine results on various platforms, especially on Google. Ignoring this important field can lead to the loss of potential traffic and customers.

Why is This a Mistake?

Beginner web designers often focus on design and visual aspects, forgetting to optimize content and site structure for SEO. The result is a site that may be hard to find by users in search results, leading to less traffic.

The lack of SEO optimization also means that the site may not be fully leveraging its potential to attract new customers and promote the company. This is particularly important for businesses that rely on generating organic traffic, which does not require paying for ads.

How to Avoid This Mistake?

To avoid neglecting SEO optimization, web designers should consider key SEO elements from the beginning of the project. Here are some steps that can be taken:

  • Keywords. Conduct keyword research related to the client's industry and incorporate them into the site's content and meta tags.
  • URL Structure. Ensure that the URL structure is readable and describes the content of the page.
  • Headers. Use headers (H1, H2, H3, etc.) in the site's content to emphasize the hierarchy of information and key content.
  • Meta Descriptions. Add unique and descriptive meta tags for each page.
  • Internal Linking. Create logical internal links that help users navigate the site.
  • Responsiveness. Ensure that the site is responsive and adapted to different devices, which affects SEO results in mobile search.
  • Page Load Speed. Optimize the site for page load speed, which is a Google ranking factor.
  • Regular Updates. Encourage the client to regularly update the site's content, which can improve its search engine rankings.

In summary, SEO optimization is a key element of a successful online strategy. Web designers should therefore ensure that their projects not only look attractive but are also search engine friendly and help clients achieve their business goals.

Lack of Testing and Optimization Post-Implementation

Another significant mistake often overlooked by novice designers is the lack of proper testing and optimization of the website after its implementation. Many designers think that their work is finished once the project is complete, but the truth is that launching the website is just the beginning of a long-term process.

Why is this a mistake?

Insufficient testing and lack of optimization can lead to various problems. First, the site may contain errors such as broken links, non-functional forms, or performance issues, which can negatively affect user experience. Second, the site may operate slowly, which could discourage users and impact its ranking in search results.

It's also worth noting that users' needs and requirements can change over time. Therefore, it is crucial to regularly monitor user behavior on the site and adjust it to their expectations.

How to avoid this mistake?

To avoid the mistake of lack of testing and optimization post-implementation, designers and website owners should take several steps:

  • Testing. Conduct thorough tests before deploying the site to ensure all features are working correctly. Also, check if the site displays correctly on different browsers and devices.
  • User Monitoring. Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor traffic on the site, observe how users behave, identify popular pages, and determine which keywords bring traffic.
  • Performance Optimization. Ensure that the site operates smoothly and loads quickly on various devices. Optimize images, website code, and server to enhance performance.
  • Content Updates. Regularly update content on the site, adding new information, blog posts, or news. This not only helps maintain user interest but also can improve the site's search engine rankings.
  • A/B Testing. Conduct A/B tests to understand how changes on the site affect its effectiveness. Experiment with different versions of content, button colors, or layouts to identify the best solutions.

In summary, website design is a continuous process that requires attention even after its deployment. Taking care of testing, monitoring, and optimizing the site can help maintain a high-quality user experience and achieve better business results.

5. Inappropriate Choice of Technology and Tools

Another common mistake that can harm the projects of novice web designers is the inappropriate choice of technology and tools for building the site. Selecting the right technical tools is crucial for the performance, security, and scalability of the site.

Why is this a mistake?

The inappropriate choice of technology and tools can lead to various problems. For example, using outdated or insecure technologies can expose the site to hacker attacks or cause performance issues. On the other hand, choosing overly complex tools can make the site difficult to manage and maintain.

Additionally, choosing the wrong tools can affect the cost of building and maintaining the site, which can be problematic for the client.

How to avoid this mistake?

To avoid the mistake of inappropriate technology and tool selection, web designers should:

  • Conduct a Needs Analysis. Understand the client’s needs and the site's goals at the beginning of the project. This will help determine which technologies will best meet these requirements.
  • Choose Popular and Proven Technologies. Select technologies and frameworks that are popular, have an active community, and are regularly updated. This enhances security and support availability.
  • Focus on Performance. Choose technologies that allow for efficient resource management and minimize site loading time. Performance is crucial for user satisfaction.
  • Pay Attention to Scalability. If the project involves expanding the site in the future, choose technologies and architecture that facilitate easy scaling and adding new features.
  • Consult with Experts. If you are unsure which technologies to choose, consult experienced developers or engineers. Their knowledge and experience can help you make the right decision.

In summary, the right choice of technology and tools is crucial for the success of a web design project. Web designers must ensure that the technologies are tailored to the client’s needs and allow for efficient website building and maintenance. An inappropriate choice can lead to issues that may be challenging to resolve in the future.


In the world of corporate web design, avoiding the above mistakes is a key step toward creating effective and successful websites. However, this is not the only element of success. It’s also important to remember that web design is a continuous process. Websites are living organisms that evolve with clients' needs and technological changes. Therefore, work on the site does not stop after the project’s completion; instead, the process of monitoring, optimizing, and improving begins.

It's also important to emphasize that web design is a field where learning and skill development never ends. Even experienced designers should be open to new technologies and trends to adapt to changing client expectations. To succeed in corporate web design, one must be ready for continuous improvement, learn from mistakes, and strive to create ever-better solutions. This combination of experience and a spirit of innovation will lead to the best results and client satisfaction.

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