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Creating a website based on the mobile-first methodology

Creating a website based on the mobile-first methodology

Building websites for businesses is becoming a challenge like never before. Over time, traditional, static websites for personal computers have begun to give way to more responsive and mobile-friendly versions. In the world of online business, where the customer's first impression is crucial, the "Mobile-First" strategy has become an integral part of creating effective websites.

Traditionally, many companies focused on creating websites that were tailored to full-size personal computer screens. However, in the era of smartphones and tablets, mobile users now constitute the majority of online traffic. That's why the "Mobile-First" strategy is now a priority. It involves creating websites with mobile users in mind, and then adjusting them to larger screens.

Why Mobile-First?

In today's dynamic world, access to the internet via mobile devices has become the standard. Users browse websites while traveling, walking, in line, or in their free time. Therefore, the accessibility and quality of sites on mobile devices have become a priority for many companies. Below, we present the main reasons why the "Mobile-First" strategy is now indispensable:

  • Contemporary Reality. Statistics speak for themselves - the majority of users browse websites on mobile devices. It's important to understand that these devices differ from personal computers in terms of screen size, interaction capabilities, and performance limitations. A website must be optimized for these devices to provide the best user experience.
  • SEO and Ranking. Search engine algorithms, such as Google's, are constantly evolving. One of the key factors influencing a site's position in search results is its responsiveness and user-friendliness on mobile devices. Mobile-First sites have a much higher chance of achieving a better ranking in search results. This means that a lack of adaptation to mobile devices can lead to reduced visibility of the site in search results.
  • Conversion Growth. Conversions are a key performance indicator for many online businesses. Good quality mobile sites can translate to a higher conversion rate. Mobile users who can easily find what they are looking for and can quickly make purchases or perform other desired actions are more likely to leave contact information or make a transaction.

Therefore, creating websites with mobile users in mind is becoming not just an option, but a necessity. This approach aims to provide the best possible experience on mobile devices, giving companies a competitive edge in an increasingly mobile and online-oriented business environment. In the rest of this article, we will discuss the stages of creating Mobile-First websites and the specific steps that a company can take to tailor its site to the needs of mobile users.

Stages of Creating a Mobile-First Website

To effectively implement the "Mobile-First" strategy when creating a website, it is worth going through several key stages. Here are detailed explanations of each of these stages:

1. Planning

The first step is thorough project planning. At this stage, we define the goals of the site and the needs of mobile users. It is crucial to understand what information or features are most important for people browsing the site on small screens.

  • Setting Goals. Clear and measurable goals help establish what we expect from the website. Do we want to increase the number of online purchases, acquire more customer contacts, or provide information? This question is crucial.
  • Sitemap. Creating a sitemap allows us to see what sections and subpages will be placed on the site. This helps eliminate unnecessary elements and optimize navigation.
2. Design

After the planning stage, it's time to design the site. When creating a Mobile-First design, we focus on several key aspects.

  • Simplicity and Readability. On small screens, less is more. Try to keep the site clear and free of unnecessary elements, which will make it easier for users to browse and find the information they are looking for.
  • Responsiveness. The design must be responsive, i.e., adapted to different screen sizes. This means that content and functions must work smoothly on both smartphones and tablets.
3. Testing

Regular testing on various mobile devices is essential to ensure that the site works as it should.

  • Testing on Different Devices. Test the site on various mobile devices, both iOS and Android. Make sure that the site is compatible with various mobile browsers.
  • Performance. Monitor the performance of the site, especially on devices with lower computing power. Fast loading and smooth navigation are key to user satisfaction.
4. Optimization

After launching the site, the process does not end. Continuous monitoring and adjustment are key to the success of Mobile-First.

  • Analytics. Use analytical tools to track user behavior on the site. This will help understand which areas need improvement.
  • Adjustment. Based on analytical data, adjust the site, removing barriers that may hinder the use of the site on mobile devices.

Thoroughly going through these stages will ensure that the website is not only adapted to the needs of mobile users but also effectively fulfills its business goals. In the next part of this article, we will discuss the benefits of the Mobile-First strategy and provide examples of companies that have successfully applied this approach in practice.

Benefits of Mobile-First

When considering the "Mobile-First" strategy, it is important to understand the long-term benefits that this approach can bring. Here are some of the key advantages:

Better Accessibility

One of the key benefits of Mobile-First is increased accessibility of the site for mobile users. Thanks to proper design and optimization of the page, anyone using a mobile phone or tablet can easily and effectively browse content and perform actions on the site. This, in turn, can translate into a larger number of visits and conversions.

Improved Ranking in Search Results

Search engines, such as Google, increasingly reward websites that are mobile-friendly. Therefore, Mobile-First sites are more likely to achieve a better ranking in search results. A higher position in search results can attract a larger number of visitors and potential customers.

Cost Efficiency

In the long run, Mobile-First can be more cost-effective. Making adjustments to a mobile site to fit larger screens is often easier and cheaper than doing the reverse.

Higher Conversion Rate

Mobile-First sites are designed in a way that facilitates mobile users in taking desired actions, such as making purchases, signing up, or contacting the company. Simpler and more intuitive navigation on a mobile page can result in a higher conversion rate, which is the goal of many online businesses.

Enhanced User Experience

When a site is optimized for mobile devices, mobile users can easily find what they are looking for, as well as quickly and comfortably browse content. Enhancing the user experience can contribute to greater customer loyalty and increased trust in the brand.

It is important to emphasize that these benefits are not merely theoretical. In reality, companies that have invested in the Mobile-First strategy often report a significant increase in traffic on their sites, improved conversion rates, and a better customer relationship. Now that we have understood the advantages of Mobile-First, let's look at specific examples of companies that have benefited from this approach in practice and have achieved online success.


In today's dynamic world, where mobile devices are at the heart of communication and access to the internet, a Mobile-First strategy is not just a trend, but rather essential for online success. For companies that want to be competitive and maintain their market position, adapting their websites to the needs of mobile users becomes a priority. This approach not only translates into better ranking in search results or a higher conversion rate, but above all, it ensures users have an exceptional experience.

Therefore, now, more than ever before, is the time to take action. Investing in the creation of Mobile-First sites is an investment in the future of an online business. Adapting to the changing needs of mobile users is the key to long-term success in today's digital world.

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