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Drupal for Content Creators: How Modern CMS Tools Support Editors?

Drupal for Content Creators: How Modern CMS Tools Support Editors?

In today's digital world, content is king. It attracts readers' attention, builds trust in the brand, and transforms ordinary users into loyal customers. Websites, blogs, news portals - all these platforms depend on the quality and timeliness of the content provided. However, creating engaging and valuable content is not just a matter of writing talent. It's also about the tools and technologies that facilitate the process of creating, editing, and publishing content.

As technology advances and user expectations increase, the role of content editors has become more complex. They must not only deliver high-quality content but also ensure that it is properly formatted, adapted to various devices and platforms, and optimized for search engines. In this context, choosing the right Content Management System (CMS) becomes crucial.

Drupal, as one of the leading CMS systems, has been serving content editors for years, providing them with tools and features that make their daily work easier. But why is Drupal so valued among content creators? In this article, we'll look at how modern tools and features of Drupal support editors in their daily tasks.

What do content editors expect from a CMS system?

In the digital age, where content is key to engaging users and building a brand, content editors need not only writing talent but also the right tools to help them effectively create and publish content. Here are some key aspects that content editors expect from an ideal CMS:

  • Intuitive user interface. For content editors, it's important that the system is easy to use, even without deep technical knowledge. An intuitive interface allows for quick content creation, editing, and publishing without unnecessary complications.
  • Content preview tools before publishing. Editors want to know what their content will look like on the site before publishing it. The preview feature allows for precise checking of formatting, layout, and other content elements.
  • Search and indexing features. Over time, the amount of content on the site grows, and editors need effective tools for searching and organizing content. Good search and indexing features allow for quick retrieval of needed information.
  • Flexible workflows. Each organization has its unique processes and procedures for content creation. The CMS system should offer flexibility in customizing workflows to individual needs.
  • Version control. During the content creation process, various versions and corrections often appear. The CMS system should offer version control features that allow tracking changes and easily reverting to previous content versions.

Modern CMS systems must meet these and many other requirements to meet the expectations of content editors and help them effectively create engaging content.

Why is Drupal the answer to the needs of content editors?

In the world of Content Management Systems (CMS), choosing the right tool can be crucial for the success of a project. For many content editors, Drupal has become the number one choice, offering a wide range of features and tools tailored to their needs. Here are some reasons why Drupal is so valued among content creation professionals:

  • Content creation and organization. Drupal offers intuitive content creation tools, such as the WYSIWYG editor, which allows for easy formatting and adding multimedia. Additionally, advanced taxonomy and category features allow for effective content organization, making it easier to manage a large amount of material.
  • Authorization capabilities and permission management. In large organizations, where many editors and authors work on content, access control is key. Drupal offers advanced permission management features, allowing for precise determination of who can create, edit, and publish content.
  • Advanced tools for content editors. Drupal is known for its rich library of modules and extensions that add additional features and tools for editors. From advanced content editors, form creation tools, to integrations with external platforms - Drupal has everything a modern content editor needs.
  • Community support. One of Drupal's biggest assets is its active and engaged community. As a result, content editors have access to a wide range of resources, including documentation, courses, and discussion forums, where they can get help and support from other users.

In short, Drupal offers a comprehensive solution for content editors, combining powerful tools with flexibility and community support, making it an ideal choice for organizations of all sizes.

Key Drupal Features for Content Editors

Drupal, as one of the most advanced content management systems, offers a wide range of features dedicated to content editors. These features not only facilitate daily work but also allow for the creation of more engaging and professional content. Here are some key features that Drupal offers editors:

  • Layout Builder. This innovative feature allows editors to create custom page layouts without the need for coding. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, editors can easily adjust content layout, add blocks and components, and create unique pages.
  • Paragraphs Module. This popular module allows for the creation of rich, multi-element content by adding and organizing "paragraphs" - custom content blocks such as galleries, quotes, videos, and many others.
  • Content Moderation. With moderation features, editors can easily track content versions, review changes, and collaborate with other team members on reviewing and approving content before publishing.
  • Gutenberg in Drupal. This modern content editor, known from the WordPress platform, has also been integrated with Drupal, offering editors an even more intuitive content creation tool.
  • Accessibility features. Accessibility is key to creating content accessible to all users. Drupal offers tools and features that help editors create content compliant with international accessibility standards.

Each of these features has been designed with the needs of content editors in mind, allowing them to effectively and efficiently create, edit, and publish content on Drupal-based sites.

Improvements in Drupal 10 for Content Editors

Each new version of Drupal brings a series of improvements and innovations aimed at making it easier for content editors and site creators. Drupal 10 is no exception and offers many features that make it an even more attractive choice for content creation professionals. Here are some key improvements in Drupal 10:

  • New features and tools. Drupal 10 introduces a number of new modules and extensions dedicated to content editors. These tools allow for more advanced formatting, better multimedia integration, and easier content organization.
  • Support for accessibility and UX improvements. Accessibility and usability are key priorities for Drupal 10. The new version offers improved tools for creating content accessible to all users and a more intuitive user interface.
  • Auto-save, content templates, and other innovations. With the auto-save feature, editors don't have to worry about losing work in case of system failures or errors. Additionally, Drupal 10 offers advanced content templates that allow for quick creation of consistent and professional pages.
  • Integration with modern technologies. Drupal 10 is designed with integration with modern technologies in mind, such as GraphQL, JSON:API, or WebP. This allows content editors to take advantage of the latest trends in web development.
  • Optimization for mobile devices. Nowadays, more and more users are viewing content on mobile devices. Drupal 10 offers improved tools for creating responsive content that looks great on any device.

In short, Drupal 10 brings many improvements and innovations aimed at making it easier for content editors and enabling them to create even better, more engaging content.


In the digital age, where content plays a key role in building a brand and engaging users, choosing the right Content Management System (CMS) is extremely important. Drupal, with its advanced features and continuous improvements, has become one of the most valued tools among content editors worldwide. Its flexibility, community support, and advanced tools dedicated to content creators make it an ideal solution for organizations of all sizes.

New versions of Drupal, such as Drupal 10, continue the tradition of innovation, introducing a series of improvements and innovations that make it even easier for content editors. Thanks to continuous development and support from an active community, Drupal remains at the forefront of CMS technology, providing tools that help content creators effectively deliver valuable content to their audience.

In summary, in a world where content is key to success, Drupal offers content editors a comprehensive solution that allows them to create engaging, professional, and accessible content. Its advanced features, community support, and continuous improvements make it one of the best choices for content creation professionals.

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