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RTB (Real-time bidding)

RTB (Real-time bidding)

Advertising technologies must evolve to meet the growing expectations of advertisers and satisfy the needs of increasingly demanding consumers. In this context, Real-time bidding technology was born, known as RTB. It's not just an acronym or another IT term. It's a tool that changes the rules of the game in the field of online advertising, revolutionizing the way companies reach their customers and manage their advertising budgets.

RTB is a process that allows for the automatic bidding of ad space in real-time. It's this ability to instantly respond to advertising opportunities and adjust offers to individual user preferences that makes RTB such an essential tool in today's online advertising world.

Using RTB in Practice

Real-time bidding (RTB) is not just an abstract concept but also a practical tool that changes the way the online advertising market works. To better understand how RTB works in practice, let's consider the key elements of this process.

1. Automatic Ad Bidding

One of the main aspects of RTB is the automatic bidding of ad space. When a user visits a website or uses a mobile app, the publisher's site sends a query to the RTB platform, informing it of the available ad space. The RTB platform then organizes an auction in which advertisers specify how much they are willing to pay to display their ad to a user with specific demographic characteristics and online behaviors.

This process happens in real-time, meaning every ad impression opportunity is bid on individually. Advertisers use RTB platforms to determine how much they're willing to pay, and they have control over which ads are displayed to users.

2. Personalized Advertising

RTB enables personalizing ads in a way that was unattainable in traditional advertising campaigns. By collecting and analyzing user data, RTB platforms can deliver ads precisely tailored to each user's individual preferences and online behaviors. For example, if a user recently browsed travel-related products, RTB might display a holiday deal advertisement, increasing the chance of a click and purchase.

3. Retargeting

Retargeting is a strategy that uses RTB to re-engage users who previously visited a website or app but did not make a purchase. With RTB, advertisers can show users ads for products or services they previously viewed on other websites. This type of advertising is often more effective because it targets individuals who have already shown interest in certain products or services.

4. Cost Optimization

One of the key benefits of RTB is the ability to optimize advertising costs. Advertisers don't have to spend money on ads that don't deliver results. With RTB platforms, they can focus on the most effective ad spaces that yield the highest conversion rates. This helps save resources and increase the return on advertising investment.

Results of Using RTB

1. Increased Conversion

One of the most significant effects of using RTB is increased conversion. Personalized ads displayed thanks to RTB are more appealing to users, increasing the chance of a click and a purchase. Ads tailored to individual user needs and preferences have a stronger impact and more effectively influence their purchasing decisions.

2. Better Campaign Control

RTB gives advertisers full control over their advertising campaigns. They can adjust their offers in real-time, responding to changing market conditions and user needs. This allows them to optimize their campaign outcomes and achieve better results.

3. Time and Resource Savings

The automation of the ad purchasing process with RTB allows advertisers to save time and resources. They no longer have to manually negotiate ad space prices or track campaign results. Everything happens automatically, allowing them to focus on strategy and creativity.

RTB is a technology that is reshaping online advertising. Its ability to personalize ads, retarget, optimize costs, and increase conversions makes it an invaluable tool in today's business and marketing world. Later in this article, we'll focus on specific examples of RTB use to better understand the benefits it brings to companies and the opportunities it offers for advertising strategy development.


Real-time bidding (RTB) is not just an innovative advertising technology but also a reality in which modern marketing and e-commerce operate. This dynamic process of automatic ad space bidding in real-time has a significant impact on advertising campaign effectiveness and advertising expenditure efficiency. Thanks to RTB, advertisers can tailor their messages to individual preferences and behaviors, increasing the chances of reaching the right target audience.

One of RTB's most significant advantages is ad personalization, allowing for the creation of more engaging and convincing messages. Retargeting brings users back to online stores, increasing the chances of making a purchase. Dynamic price and promotion adjustments make ads more appealing to consumers, while cost optimization helps advertisers get the most out of their advertising budget.

In today's business world, where competition is fierce and consumer attention is fleeting, RTB provides an edge in a complex online advertising environment. It's a tool that allows effective campaign management, achieves better results, and builds long-lasting relationships with customers.

It's worth noting that RTB is applicable not only in e-commerce and marketing but also in other industries that use advertising as part of their strategy. Therefore, this technology profoundly affects today's business and IT worlds, introducing new standards and striving for continuous improvement of advertising processes.

In summary, RTB is a key technology that transforms the way ads are delivered and perceived by consumers. Its impact on online advertising effectiveness is undeniable, and the possibilities it offers remain boundless. It's therefore worth delving into this fascinating field of advertising and utilizing it in marketing strategies to achieve success in the competitive online world.

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