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Creating Custom Contact Forms in CMS

Creating Custom Contact Forms in CMS

Regardless of whether you run an online store, blog, or corporate website, contact forms are one of the most important tools that allow for interactions with visitors. Going beyond the standard fields of name, email address, and message, you can create custom contact forms that will provide you with precise information from your customers. In this article, we show how to create custom contact forms in CMS systems.

What is a custom contact form?

A custom contact form is one that has been tailored to the specific needs of your business. It can contain unique fields that will help you obtain detailed information from users. For instance, if you run a clothing store, you can add fields to the form such as clothing size, preferred style, or colors.

Why should you create custom contact forms?

Creating custom contact forms has many benefits. The ability to collect detailed data from users is just one of them. Depending on your business, you can also increase user engagement, improve customer service, and even boost your revenue.

How to create custom contact forms?

Most CMS systems offer the ability to create custom contact forms. For example, in WordPress, you can use the Contact Form 7 or WPForms plugin. In Drupal, you can use the Webform module, and in Joomla! – the RSForm! component.

Business examples of custom contact forms

1. Amazon - Product Returns Form

One of the key elements offered by Amazon is the ease of handling returns. To facilitate this process, Amazon has developed a returns form that is tailored to the customer's needs. This form not only asks for basic information such as the order number but also for specific details such as the reason for the return. As a result, Amazon can quickly process the return and understand why the customer decided to take this step. This is a perfect example of how a custom contact form can facilitate customer service and provide better user experiences.

2. Netflix - Technical Problem Reporting Form

Netflix is a streaming platform that depends on smooth content streaming. When users encounter technical problems, they need a quick and effective solution. The Netflix technical problem report form is an example of how a company can collect detailed information about the problem to resolve it quickly. This form includes fields related to the type of device, operating system, and even details of the problem, which helps the Netflix technical support team in diagnosing and fixing issues.

3. Facebook - Copyright Infringement Reporting Form

As a social platform, Facebook must ensure that all posted content complies with the law. Therefore, they created a form to report copyright infringements, which allows users to quickly and easily report potential violations. This form contains fields that allow a detailed description of the violation, identification of specific posts, and provision of evidence of copyright infringement.

4. Pepsi - Drink Flavor Proposal Form

Pepsi is a brand that is known for experimenting with new flavors. To encourage their community to participate in this process, they created a form to propose new flavors. This form contains fields that allow users to detail the proposed flavor, give it a name, and provide a description, which helps Pepsi in generating new product ideas.

5. Shopify - Partner Program Application Form

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that has a partner program. To gather all necessary information from potential partners, they created a partner program application form. This form contains fields that allow a detailed description of the partner's business, their experience in the e-commerce industry, and future plans. This helps Shopify in making decisions about partnerships.


Creating custom contact forms in a CMS system is not only a way to collect needed information from users but also to improve their site experiences. Such forms allow for a better understanding of customer needs, quicker resolution of technical problems or copyright infringement reports, and engaging the community in the creation of new products.

Moreover, custom contact forms can serve as a tool for acquiring new business partners, as in the case of Shopify. By precisely collecting information about potential partners, the company can accurately assess whether a particular firm fits into the partner program.

The most important lesson is that custom contact forms are an effective tool for any business. Whether you run an online store, streaming platform, or social network - through custom contact forms, you can streamline many aspects of your company's operations.


1. Smashing Magazine: Designing Effective Web Forms

2. WPForms: Create a Custom Contact Form

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